Monday, March 7, 2011


Joy is the feeling of grinning inside.

I'm sure Melba Colgrove is a smart person, whoever he/she/it is.

But fuck that.

I'm grinning outside!

I sent out five query letters last week. All five are back, as of about two hours ago.

Number One: Very gently written "no".

Number Two: Form letter "no".

Number Three: Attempted to be encouraging "no".

Number Four: Send me the first five pages.

Number Five: Another attempt at encouraging "no".

Oh wait, what was that? Back up at number four? Oh yeah, biotches.

That, right there, was a "yes".

Danced around like a lunatic, called a billion people, freaked out the passersby looking in the windows. Full-fledged joygasm.

Yes, I realise that Blessed Agent of Awesome could still say no. She has a handful of chances, actually.

Don't kill my buzz.

I'm off to do more spontaneous happy dancing.