Sunday, January 9, 2011

Inkygirl has the perfect comics for me.

Procrastination is the fear of success. People procrastinate because they are affraid of the success that they know will result if they move ahead now. Because success is heavy, carries a responsibility with it, it is much easier to procrastinate and live on the "someday I'll" philosophy.

I'm convinced that Denis Waitley lives in my head. Because when I read things like this, I see myself so clearly in them, that honestly, they had to have been written for me.

Which incidentally reminds me of something that's been going on at work lately, which doesn't put me in a better mood.

Of course, that's not the point.

The point is, I've given myself until tomorrow at bedtime to send my novel (finished or otherwise) to Ali's agent friend. So what am I doing?
  • I'm creating another blog for work stuff.
  • I'm working too many hours and not writing during my shifts (not entirely my fault).
  • I'm spending all day at my inlaws, and not bringing my book with me to work on.
  • I'm updating this blog.
  • I'm signing up for SHINE Online, a blogging contest kind of like NaNoWriMo.
I am not, however, writing.

Procrastination, and the fear that fuels it, is my ball and chain, dragging me down into the depths of "you'll never be good enough, so why bother?"

And now, I think I'm going to go take a shower, instead of writing. Or cleaning the house, which will force me to take off time from writing to do tomorrow.

Today is not a good day.


  1. I just spent the entire day doing nearly exactly that. Lol. Found just about every way to not do actual work.

  2. First off, welcome to the blog, Sarah! Thanks for following, definitely made my day to have someone read this that isn't forced to due to the restrictions of friendship. lol!

    I'm also overjoyed to know that I'm not the only Procrastinating Polly around. We should unite, and take over the world! Maybe tomorrow...

  3. Ah procrastination. My BFF. Actually most of the stuff I'm putting off is RP relating which is the only writing that I do. I think that's because I'm actually afraid to take a step out there and write something that someone may pay money to read. Wow....deep thoughts, must purge.

    I also should be working on a presentation for Thursday. Umm...yeah...let me think about that.

  4. Thanks! Ah, the guilt of friendship. Lol.

    Tomorrow! Yes, I'll mark my calendar...later.

  5. I'm gonna go against the grain here and say that I feel procrastination is the result of not fearing success, but fearing failure. I say that because while we go into situations with the best of intentions and feeling like we just came up with the best idea EVER, at some point, we let the self-doubt, along with all the reasons it, whatever it is, will not work, and then we self-sabotage. I don't think procrastination allows us to view the outcome in terms of success because we are too busy thinking that it might not work.

    I, of course, am speaking from my very own personal experience. I don't think I'm afraid of success. Yet, I do procrastinate. It's something I'm working toward shaking for this new year. I do know that I am afraid to fail in my ventures though. Or that no one is going to be interested in my ventures. So that's what keeps me comfortable with not bringing some of what I want to fruition.

    Does that make sense? I hope so LOL!

  6. Makes total sense, Traci! (And welcome, by the way.)

    Sending my book off sparks a sort of fear that is akin to watching your child go off into the big bad world without your hand to hold. The idea that they won't make friends, and that people will hate them, is crippling. And the biggest part of my problem.

    Though, there is the idea that people will love it, and that's horrifying as well. It puts a lot of pressure on things, to make your book something that people can learn from, and be shaped by.

    Which is why I refuse to write for children. I think about the books I loved, and how they made me into the person I am today, and well...I don't want that kind of responsibility on my shoulders.
