Sunday, July 4, 2010

Lebron James and Distractions

A friend of mine's fiance told her that she was like Lebron James. Lebron can mow his own lawn, and clean his own house, but he doesn't, because his energy is better served playing basketball. He said that her energy was best spent writing, and everything else could wait.

I envy her.

I'd like to think that my energy is best spent writing, but when I'm told that I can't go find a quiet place to do it, I wonder at what the hell I'm doing with my life.

It doesn't seem fair, does it? Maybe I'm being melodramatic - as that is a favourite overreaction of mine - but what's wrong with sitting in a coffee shop for a couple of hours, pounding out a few thousand words, and feeling as if I've accomplished something more with my day than cleaning the house and doing laundry?

I want a place without distractions. Without the television on, or another person in the room. Even if he leaves me alone, he's still there. It's distracting. He says that I'd be distracted out in public, but it's a hell of a lot easier to ignore people you don't know, than it is to ignore people that you do.

I'm expected to support every fool thing that comes into his mind, but a life-long dream of mine? It's too much to ask apparently.


  1. It's tough to find that kind of support. I know. I would kill for a small room of my own to shut the door and write for hours.

  2. When we move to Italy, baby. Two offices are the most vital things in our house. Showers can wait.
